Fenwick Island


Please Complete your 2020 Census Today!

The responses from this year’s decennial Census will impact numerous critical services to the citizens of Delaware. These services include healthcare, roads, infrastructure projects, emergency services, and other matters important to our everyday lives. In order to be prepared for future healthcare crises such as COVID-19, these funds are more important than ever for our State and your community.    

The health and safety of all Delawareans is of primary importance. The Complete Count Commission is following the Governor’s mandates and doing all that we can to ensure that the Census counts residents in each corner of the state to secure the $3 billion in Census derived funding that will be available to Delaware.

We are in the midst of a pandemic that is changing the way we approach common, daily routines – but we are also learning the further importance and impact of the Census.


Census 2020 invitations were sent to homes by the U.S. Census Bureau between Mar. 12-20 with instructions on how to participate. You may be thinking that responding to the Census means someone coming to your home. That’s not the case. In fact, the only reason for that to occur is if you don’t respond. It has never been easier to respond on your own, whether online, over the phone or by mail—all without having to meet a census taker. This new technology comes just in time for our current circumstances of self-distancing. Please take advantage of this technology and complete your Census as soon as you receive the invitation, either online at My2020census.gov or by phone a 1-844-330-2020. 

Both the online and phone questionnaire come in English and 12 additional languages. Residents can also respond via a paper questionnaire that can be mailed with a prepaid postage envelope. The deadline for responding on your own through these easy methods is October 31st. We urge you to complete the Census before that date. More information about the Census forms and deadline can be found at 2020census.gov