Fenwick Island

State Fire Marshal’s Statement on Fireworks

The Office of the State Fire Marshal reminds all citizens and visitors that the sale, possession, and use of fireworks including sparklers and sky lanterns are illegal within the State of Delaware.

Fireworks….they are as unpredictable as the weather. The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission reported that an estimated 11,400 people suffered injuries in 2013 from fireworks. There were also eight deaths related to fireworks. In 2013, 40% of these estimated injuries were caused by sparklers and rockets. Sparklers can burn at temperatures around 2,000 F degrees. Device malfunction and improper use are associated with the most injuries.

The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) statistics show that in 2011, fireworks caused 16,300 outside fires, 1,200 structure fires, and 400 vehicle fires, resulting in approximately $32 million in property loss, and over half of those fires occurred around Independence Day.

Most firework injuries occur in the 30 days surrounding July 4th. Too many people are needlessly hurt or killed each year.

The State law provides that “No person shall possess, offer for sale, or discharge any type fireworks.” Whoever violates this fireworks provision shall be subject to criminal fines and penalties. This includes Sparklers and Sky Lanterns.

Only regulated public displays are permitted in Delaware. Trained professionals who meet specific regulations issued by the Office of the State Fire Marshal conduct these displays.

The Delaware State Fire Marshal and your local fire department urge you to leave fireworks where they belong, in the hands of professionals.