Fenwick Island

2/24 Vaccine Talking Points

What impact did last week’s weather have on vaccine distribution?

  • Vaccine distribution was delayed due to nationwide weather and as a result some providers had to call and postpone appointments until they were able to receive supply again this week.

We have heard that some second-dose appointments were cancelled due to supply. What steps were taken to remedy the issue?

Delaware is committed to vaccinating eligible Delawareans as quickly as possible. Vaccination providers have an obligation to provide second doses to those to whom they provided a first dose.  

Delaware is committed to providing second doses…

  • With limited supply of vaccine from the federal government, the state is faced with very difficult decisions about the most effective use of the doses it has. While the science shows that the first dose of COVID-19 vaccine provides 52% to 80% protection DPH also believes it’s important to get Delawareans their second doses to be fully vaccinated. We must continue to strike a balance between offering first and second doses, with the recognition that doing so may slow the rate of offering first doses. Currently the State is focusing on completing vaccination series.

…and ensuring partners focus on series completion.

  • DPH is asking its vaccinating partners to prioritize completing the vaccination series for individuals who received a first dose from them, and then with their remaining allocation strive to balance first doses to eligible persons and second doses for individuals who received a first dose elsewhere. 

Ongoing supply limitations will require patience.

Ongoing vaccine availability constraints may limit the number of first dose appointments available, or the availability of appointments for second doses to those who received a first does elsewhere.

For more information on second doses, visit: de.gov/seconddose

Who is eligible for a vaccine in Delaware?

DPH and its vaccinating partners will make vaccine available to persons who live, work or have their medical home (primary care provider or primary pharmacy) in Delaware.

Lack of ID will not be barrier to vaccination

  • Photo ID and proof of residency and/or employment/medical home may be required depending on the vaccination site.
  • Lack of ID will not be a barrier to individuals with undocumented immigration status. You may bring an alternate version of identification.  

Insurance or payment are not required for vaccination

  • Additionally, all health care providers, facilities and entities that decide to offer vaccinations shall make those vaccinations available to any person meeting the vaccination criteria without regard to that person’s ability to pay, type of health insurance, or participation in any particular provider network.

What phase do I fall into? 

To learn more about what phase you will fall into, visit: de.gov/covidvaccine

What are you planning for guidance for what people who are fully vaccinated can be able to do now in terms of interacting with colleagues, loved ones, and friends? 

The CDC will be releasing guidance soon. DPH will review the guidance and provide comment. It’s very important to continue prevention protocols even after getting the vaccine. Medical experts feel very confident that the COVID-19 vaccine can protect you from the virus and help get us all back to normal — but not before a large number of people get the vaccine. We need to keep all mitigation strategies in place.