Fenwick Island

Coronavirus Nixle Message for Fenwick Island

As the Coronavirus continues to change daily, full time residents and second homeowners need to remain very watchful and monitor your travel in and out of Fenwick Island. For part time residents who are traveling to your homes here, or if you are already here, it is very important to consider staying in your homes as much as possible while social distancing from the public. Today is spring break for many college students. We have seen an influx of visitors and the temperature is warming.  Today is likely to be in the mid-70’s. We expect many people to be traveling to Fenwick Island for the weekend.

Governor Carney’s emergency declarations include the closing of restaurants except for take-out, delivery and drive-through service; movie theaters and many retail stores are closed. Please be mindful of your surroundings and potential exposure to visitors who choose to come here. Sheltering-in-place is your best option.

Perhaps the most important considerations to realize is where we are, and who we are. The demographics of our Town include a majority over the age of 60, the most vulnerable age at risk to be infected with the Coronavirus. We live in a very small community with limited hospitalization facilities that cannot handle the potential number of illnesses this crisis may bring. Although the county numbers of those infected remain low, trends across the nation show an exponential rise in cases from the very first illness, thus the critical nature of this virus. We do not want the virus to spread amongst us. We must remain vigilant, sensible and focus on the most responsible and prudent way to continue our lives during this crisis. Staying at home and practicing social distancing is both the responsible and prudent way to proceed at this time of crisis. Although we are aware that these are difficult times where even more drastic guidelines may be on the horizon, it is necessary to take these steps to protect all of our citizens and our town employees, who continue to provide the services you need every day.

We have passed the time to just be cautious. Every day we see the numbers grow. We continue to be watchful and we continue to make rational decisions based on the best guidance from Delaware’s Division of Public Health.

Please follow Coronavirus Updates on the town’s homepage and https://dhss.delaware.gov/dhss/dph/epi/2019novelcoronavirus.html.