Fenwick Island

Essential Trips and COVID-19

If you must take an essential trip out in the community, the Delaware Division of Public Health (DPH) suggests following these guidelines:

  • Only go out if you have to.  The best defense against COVID-19 is to prevent exposure.  Staying in is the only sure way to do that.
  • If you must go out, you should act as if you and those around you are positive.  Take these precautions:
    • Maintain 6 fee of space from others.
    • Wear a mask or face covering and try not to touch it.
    • Wash and sanitize your hands frequently.
  • Assume that places you go have positive cases and take appropriate precautions:
    • In order to protect privacy, DPH does not announce details about individual cases, or where they occur.  As such, you should be vigilant in your protection and precaution measures during this time.
    • Some businesses may have positive cases but have taken strong steps to sanitize and prevent the spread of infection.  Others may not know they have had a positive employee or customer.  It is impossible to know the difference.