Fenwick Island

Trash, Recyclables, Yard Waste & Bulk Trash

See our 2024 Trash Recycling Yard Waste Calendar for complete information.

Please do not put bulk trash or yard waste out any sooner than 3 days prior to collection date.

Trash & Normal Refuse:

Town Code specifies the manner in which trash should be handled. Please note the following:

  • Trash, rubbish and garbage should be placed in covered watertight containers NOT to exceed 32 gallons in size or 50 pounds in weight when filled
  • All owners are responsible for removing any debris or rubbish which may accumulate on their property
  • Trash and recycle containers may not be placed along the curb in front of the property earlier than noon preceding the pick up day
  • All trash and recycle containers must be removed from the front of the property within 12 hours after it has been emptied by the collector
  • There should not be any yard waste in with the trash on regular trash days.

Yard Waste:

What is Yard Waste?
Disposal of yard waste is strictly controlled and defined as plant material that comes from lawn maintenance and other gardening and landscaping activities including:

  • grass
  • leaves
  • prunings
  • brush
  • shrubs
  • garden materials
  • tree limbs up to 2″ in diameter

Containing Yard Waste:
Yard waste must be contained in paper (not plastic) bags (available at local hardware stores), homeowner supplied containers compatible with Hauler’s truck lifting mechanism, and bundles not to exceed four (4) feet in length. Bags and bundles must weigh less than fifty (50) pounds each. Bags, bundles, or containers containing material other than yard waste will not be collected. Do not place bundles/containers in your trash corral. Place all yard waste on the street in the Town right-of way.

Important! If your container/bundle contains any material other than yard waste or if it exceeds required length/weight, it will be rejected by the hauler.

Please do not put bulk trash or yard waste out any sooner than 3 days prior to collection date.

Bulk Trash:

It has been our experience that many residents will take this opportunity to clean garages and yards, while others will gather the attic treasures that have accumulated over the years and are now expendable. Most, if not all of these items, can be placed out for the regular trash pick-ups throughout the summer, which will expedite the removal of the larger and heavier items in a timely manner. 

Absolutely no yard waste of any kind will be picked up on bulk trash pickup day. These items are excluded. (i.e. limbs, leaves, branches, stumps).

Please do not put bulk trash or yard waste out any sooner than 3 days prior to collection date.

Please put your bulk trash items out before 10pm on the second day of bulk trash pick-up. Items placed out on the final day will not be guaranteed pick-up.

Note that hazardous waste will not be picked up by the Town. Please contact

Delaware Solid Waste Authority (DSWA) about their drop-off facility.

2024 Bulk Trash Schedule:
Spring Bulk Trash Collection dates are: May 28th- May 30th

Fall Bulk Trash Collection dates are: September 3rd – 5th