Fenwick Island

Fenwick Island State Park Improvements / Windfarm


The Town Council passed resolution 100-2019 at the 12/6/19 Council Meeting in regards to the windfarm project.


The Town of Ocean City has provided information to us in regards to the windfarm:


Members of Fenwick Island Town Council stated at the October 25, 2019 Council meeting that they were not in support of the plans for the Fenwick Island State Park as presented.

Some members expressed frustration that Fenwick Island was not given an opportunity to have input about the proposed plans.

On November 5, 2019, Mayor Langan requested the support of the Association of Coastal Towns (ACT) in seeking information and input to the proposed plans.  ACT voted to support our efforts. 

Through discussions with Senator Hocker and Representative Gray, an informational workshop was held on November 19, 2019. 

The Mayor has spoken to Secretary Garvin and Parks and Recreation Director Ray Bivens regarding the concerns of our citizens and property owners.  The Mayor was assured by Secretary Garvin that Fenwick Island would be given an opportunity for input into the park plans going forward.  Secretary Garvin also indicated that none of the park plans are firm and that they are very conceptual.

The Mayor, along with other Mayors of ACT, met with Secretary Garvin to discuss the proposed Fenwick Island State Park Plans and Ørsted transmission line landfall and met with Governor Carney to discuss the Coastal Community’s priorities which included the proposed Fenwick Island State Park and Ørsted transmission line landfall.

Our website:

  • Advertised the public meeting on November 19, 2019
  • Indicates where to provide input regarding the State Park Plans
  • Provides a list of State and County officials to contact with feedback about the proposed park plans and Ørsted transmission line landfall.

We have requested ACT to sign a letter to Secretary Garvin with questions and concerns about the projects. 

For more information in regards to the proposed changes, please visit destateparks.com/FenwickImprovements or call Matt Ritter at 302-739-9187.

The Town has sent DNREC, along with State and County representatives, a letter in opposition.  In reply to the letter, Senator Hocker and Representative Gray will be holding a meeting on November 19, 2019 at 6:00 PM.

Any correspondence in regards to this project should be sent directly to the following:

DNREC – Secretary Shawn Garvin shawn.garvin@state.de.us
Governor John Carney john.carney@delaware.gov
Senator Tom Carper  tom.carper@state.de.us
Senator Chris Coons  chris.coons@state.de.us
Representative Lisa Blunt-Rochester  kalila.hines2@mail.house.gov
Speaker of the House – Pete Schwartzkopf peter.schwartzkopf@state.de.us
Senator Gerald Hocker gerald.hocker@state.de.us
Representative Ron Gray ronald.gray@state.de.us
Sussex County Council:
    IG Burton igburton@sussexcountyde.gov
    Douglas Hudson doug.hudson@sussexcountyde.gov
    John Rieley jlrieley@sussexcountyde.gov
DE State Parks Director – Ray Bivens raymond.bivens@state.de.us
Ørsted – Joy Weber JOYWE@orsted.com