Fenwick Island

Red Cross Recovery Assistance (Tropical Storm Isaias)

The American Red Cross is continuing to support communities affected by Tropical Storm Isaias across the National Capital & Greater Chesapeake Region. A hotline has been set up for those who are still in need of Red Cross recovery assistance.  Please call 202-796-8451 if you are in need of assistance.

What kind of services does the Red Cross provide after a disaster?
After emergencies, the Red Cross helps meet the urgent needs of people affected. We focus on providing safe shelter, food, emotional support, first aid and health services, and emergency relief supplies, such as blankets, hygiene items and cleaning supplies.

The Red Cross also plays a critical role in helping families and communities recover in the weeks and months after a disaster. We think about the future and planning for how to help impacted communities recover in the months and years ahead—which often includes bringing groups and agencies together to plan recovery activities.

The Red Cross works closely with local partners to create plans and coordinate recovery services to ensure people get the assistance that they need to get back on their feet.

Red Cross caseworkers may connect one-on-one with people to create individual recovery plans, navigate paperwork and locate help from other organizations.

Who is eligible for Red Cross services?
When an emergency happens, the Red Cross delivers help to whoever needs it, and, as part of our humanitarian mission, will feed, shelter and provide other forms of support regardless of race, religion or citizenship status. The Red Cross is a charity, not a government agency, and people who have disaster-caused needs do not need to be American citizens to access Red Cross services.