Fenwick Island

Public Hearing- Public Participation Procedures

Public Hearings: A meeting organized to gather public opinion and concerns before Town officials make a decision or take action. It is a posted, open gathering of officials and citizens where the citizens are permitted to offer comments on designated topics; officials shall listen to these comments and may ask questions but generally do not respond with opinions until it is time to vote. A Public Hearing must be held prior to a Second Reading and vote on any Zoning proposal.


  1. All speakers shall be Town of Fenwick Island property owners (unless an outside speaker would be needed or relevant)
  2. All speakers shall begin by identifying themselves and their Fenwick address.
  3. Each speaker shall limit comments to no more than 5 minutes.
  4. Speakers are encouraged to inform Council if they are representing a larger group.
  5. Speakers may present printed materials for distribution to Council Members and other Town officials.
  6. Speakers shall not yield their time to other speakers.
  7. During a speaker’s presentation, other attendees and Council Members shall not have private conversations or otherwise interrupt the speaker.
  8. Council Members shall listen attentively and may ask questions but shall not offer opinions until the voting process begins.
  9. All persons attending the hearing shall remain seated or may stand in the back of the room or leave so long as this does not disrupt the meeting. The number of attendees shall be determined by the State Fire Marshall’s Office.