Fenwick Island

Election Results 8/1/19

WHEREAS, the Board of Election has tallied the election results of the August 3, 2019 election and do HEREBY declare the following results:

Candidate Machine # 30373 Machine # 80034 Absentee Count Total
Mitchell Houser 94 81 30 205
Eugene Langan 102 75 30 207
Julie Lee 67 57 50 174
Richard Mais 106 69 25 200
William Weistling 109 78 30 217
Roy Williams 52 46 38 136

THEREFORE, the following four (4) candidates are declared elected to fill the four (4) vacancies:

Mitchell Houser

Eugene Langan

Richard Mais

William Weistling

Congratulations to the winners, and we would also like to thank Julie Lee and Roy Williams for there many years on the Town Council.

The organizational meeting of the Town Council was held on August 12, 2019 at 1:00 p.m.  Congratulation to Mayor Gene Langan, Vice Mayor Richard Mais, Treasurer Gardner Bunting, and Secretary Bernie Merritt.

Swearing in ceremony performed by Secretary Merritt (from left to right): 

Council Member Mike Houser, Vice Mayor Richard MaisCouncil Member Bill Weistling, Mayor Gene Langan, Secretary Merritt.