Fenwick Island

Hurricane Preparedness

With the hurricane expected off our shoreline later this week, now is the time to prepare.

If you have not already done so, prepare a hurricane emergency kit, to include water and food (enough to last at least 3 days), battery-powered radio, flashlight, first aid kit, extra batteries, and make sure your cell phone is charged up in case of an emergency.

Make sure the trees around your home are trimmed as to prevent damage to your home from broken branches.

Bring in loose outdoor items, such as patio furniture and plants, inside.  They can blow around and cause damage to homes.  If you cannot bring them inside, at least make sure they are tied down outside.

Secure all doors on your property.

If you are a business, make sure to move the trash containers where they won’t get flooded.

For more information, please visit the link on our website:  https://fenwickisland.delaware.gov/emergency-management-plan/.

As of the last report, although we are not expected to receive the major blow of the hurricane, we are expected to receive high winds, rain and flooding.  We will post updates here, on our website, as well as our Facebook page, when we receive them.

Stay safe Fenwick Island!