Voter and Municipal Election Information
All property owners and/or residents must register to vote with the Town of Fenwick Island in order to be eligible to vote in Town elections.
To register, complete the Voter Registration Form and return it with the necessary proof of identity to the Town Clerk, 800 Coastal Highway, Fenwick Island, DE 19944.
Voter Qualification Information:
Candidate Information:
Criteria to Run for An Elected Office:
In order to be eligible to run for an elected office in The Town of Fenwick Island, applicants must meet the following criteria:
- Be registered to vote in The Town of Fenwick Island for at least one year prior to the election for which you seek to be nominated
- Be a natural person who is a citizen of the United States
- Be at least 21 years of age on or before the date of the election
- Be either a bonafide resident of the Town or a property owner in the Town
- You may not have been convicted of a felony
Candidate Filing Deadline:
The deadline to file to run for office is June 18, 2025 at 4:30 PM EST. A Notice of Candidates will be posted at Town Hall.
Candidate Forms Required by the Town:
The Town requires that you fill out and submit to the Town the Candidate Filing Form and a Certificate of Intention form once submitted to the state (see below).
Candidate Form Required by the State:
In addition to the above, all petitioners must complete the required State of Delaware Certificate of Intention form at This form then needs to be printed, signed, and mailed to:
Office of the State Election Commissioner
Attention: Campaign Finance
905 S. Governors Avenue
Suite 170
Dover, DE 19904
Absentee Ballots:
Who may vote by absentee ballot?
- Any person qualified by provision of Town of Fenwick Island Charter for reasons authorized by Charter and who meets the following qualification:
- In public service to U.S. or Delaware
- A U.S. citizen temporarily residing outside the U.S.
- Or who is a spouse or dependent of citizen(when residing with/accompanying individual in service)
- Absent from U.S. or Delaware due to injury received while serving in Armed Forces
- Person in U.S. Armed Forces/Merchant Marines or associated groups (e.g. Red Cross, USO)
- Nature of work
- Includes providing care to parent/spouse/child (living at home)
- Sick or physically disabled
- Absent from municipality on vacation
- Due to tenets or teachings of religion
Absentee Request Form
- Document completed by prospective voter to request a ballot and is available from the Town Clerk or by clicking the link above.
- Identification is required with submission of Absentee Application
- May be requested no later than 12 Noon the day before the election
- May be mailed or completed in person
- Must be received by the Town at the close of the polls on election day
Basic Absentee Procedures
Following Absentee Request Completion/Return
- Town confirms voter eligibility
- Town mails voter:
- Absentee ballot
- Instructions for Completing and Returning an Absentee Ballot
- Ballot Envelope
- The Town offers an outside ballot drop box for dropping off ballots at any time
- The ballot box is securely located at Fenwick Island Police Station where it is camera monitored 24/7
- This location is handicapped accessible and on a covered porch for your convenience
Voter Procedures
- Voter marks ballot and inserts in Ballot Envelope
- Voter confirms that info on Ballot Envelope is correct
- Voter reads and signs self-administered oath
- Voter seals ballot envelope
- Voter mails, delivers, or causes Ballot Envelope to be delivered* to municipality
- Ballot must be received by time polls close
- Ballots received after time polls close shall NOT be counted
*”causes…to be delivered” (e.g., via Express Mail, FedEx, etc.)
Not later than 60 days prior to the election, the Mayor shall appoint, with the concurrence of the Town Council, a Board of Elections consisting of an inspector and two judges who shall be qualified voters in the Town and who shall not be an elected official or an immediate family member of an elected official. The term of the Board of Elections shall be one year.
2024 Board of Elections
Colleen Wilson
Lucy Wilder
Liz Lear
Alternate Stu Rubenstein