Fenwick Island

Studies, Plans & Reports

Resiliency Study-2023

Fenwick Island Resiliency Study Presentation

FIResiliencyPlan Revised Draft

Community Sustainability Plan – 2019

Communities today face a wide variety of challenges that affect their ability to move toward a vibrant future, including natural resource availability, pollution, social isolation, public health concerns, and climate change. Local governments are uniquely suited to address these complex challenges through sustainability planning, which incorporates strategic assessments of challenges, development of creative solutions, and tracking progress toward community goals. Successful implementation of sustainability plans support the long-term resilience of communities.

The Fenwick Island Community Sustainability Plan was developed to assist with improving the social, environmental, and economic conditions of the Town through multiple chapters that address topics identified through community outreach and best practices from sustainability leaders and organizations around the country. It seeks to increase the sustainability of the Town and to allow the Town to contribute to larger efforts to increase sustainability and contribute to the sustainability of larger systems.

The Community Sustainability Plan is intended to be an interactive and living document that Town leadership, staff, and the community can use to launch and expand sustainability initiatives. It can be applied in several ways:

  • Readers can use it to better understand sustainability topics through introductions and supplemental information provided throughout the document and to identify the actions they can take.
  • Town leadership can use it better understand how sustainability touches many of their responsibilities and to prioritize implementation and resource allocation by reviewing strategies and their associated costs and benefits.
  • Town staff can use it to prioritize and guide implementation by referring to strategy details.

The Town of Fenwick Island Sustainable Community Plan was completed in September 2019 and approved by the State in November 2019.

Sea Level Rise and Climate Change:

Town of Fenwick Island: Preparing for Sea Level Rise
Compared to the global average Delaware has a greater rate in Sea Level Rise (SLR). The main reason for this is the vertical movement of the Earth’s crust which is causing Delaware to slowly sink. This is a similar trend seen throughout the Mid-Atlantic. Currently, beach and dune replenishment have been the main method for protection coastal communities in Delaware.

Sea Level Rise Vulnerability Study – Town of Fenwick Island

Preparing for Sea Level Rise Brochure

Delaware Residents’ Opinions on Climate Change and Sea Level Rise 2014 Survey:
Attitudes, perceptions and knowledge about climate change and sea level rise are rapidly evolving. Climate change stories are in the headlines almost daily, politicians are increasingly discussing the need to act and weather events like Hurricane Sandy have brought the potential impacts of climate change home to many on the East Coast. Given this changing landscape, it is important for decision makers, educators and other to have local based and up-to-date information about public attitudes and perceptions about climate change so that plans, projects and outreach materials can be specific and tailored for Delaware.

Delaware Residents’ Opinions on Climate Change and Sea Level Rise 2014 Survey

Info-graphic Brochure

Recommendations for Adapting to Sea Level Rise in Delaware:
Delaware’s economy and quality of life are linked to its shores, its vast expanses of tidal wetlands and its fertile farm fields. Because of its location, low average elevation and dependence upon coastal resources for jobs and recreation, Delaware is particularly vulnerable to the effects of sea level rise. Statewide, these effects are wide-ranging and include loss of low-lying land and structures, saltwater intrusion into groundwater and surface water and increased extent of coastal flooding during storm events. Executive Summary

Sea Level Rise and Infrastructure:
Links to documents and resources on Sea Level Rise and Climate Change Information

2013 Drainage Inventory Map:

Street Map_basemap

2016 Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Needs Assessment:
