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Fenwick Island


Property Tax Information:

The Town of Fenwick Island tax rate  is $0.174015 per $100 of assessed value.

Taxes are due on the 15th of September. Late fees are assessed after that date. Tax bills will be mailed on or before August 1st. If you have not received your tax bill, please contact the town administrative office here.

The Town of Fenwick Island will no longer accommodate multiple property tax payments from multiple people for a single property. Payments are due in full September 15th with a grace period until October 1st. After October 1st, monthly penalties will apply until the amount is paid in full.

Property Assessments

The Town appraiser conducts a review of properties each spring for any additions/alterations that have happened on properties over the course of the year.


Our last revaluation was conducted in 2019.