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Fenwick Island

New Mobi-Mat located on Dagsboro Street


New Town Manager

Fenwick Island Town Council and Staff are very happy to announce the hiring of Teresa ‘Terry’ Tieman as our new Town Manager. Terry has served the City of Harrington, Delaware for the past 5 years as their City Manager. She began her 28 year public service career at the City of Dover where she was the Administrative […]

Credit Card Payments

If you pay online by credit card, the following applies: Payment Convenience Fees:  A convenience fee will be imposed by Xpress-PAY of your electronic payments as follows:  2.60% of the transaction amount. Chargeback/Return Item Fees:  A fee of $100.00 may be imposed for returned credit card payments. Returns/Refund Policy:  Dispute of payments must be presented […]

Dedication – Blue Star Memorial by-way marker

The Barefoot Gardeners Club will host a dedication ceremony for the Blue Star Memorial by-way marker on Saturday, October 1st at 1:00 p.m. in the Community Park. The Blue Star Memorial is to honor the military past present and future. Everyone is invited!

Beach Mats and Dune Crossings

Public works will be installing beach mats over the next few days.  We were waiting for DNREC to clean out all due crossings but that does not look promising at this point.  We understand the inconvenience and are working towards improving access. To summarize, in an average year the goal is to install beach mats […]

Summer Newsletter

The summer newsletter was published under the Admin. Department menu.  Please remember the following: Sunday, July 3 is the town bonfire The Jr. LG program is open!  Register now. PW is installing beach mats behind DNREC on all dunes. The municipal election is scheduled for August 6 from 1-5 pm at Town Hall. The new […]

2016 Municipal Election (approved candidates)

Official Candidate Slate for the August 6th Election: Gardner Bunting Vicki L. Carmean Kevin Carouge Bernard (Bernie) H. Merritt Jr. A NOTICE OF ELECTION WILL BE POSTED AT TOWN HALL AND ON THE WEBSITE NO LATER THAN 20 DAYS PRIOR TO THE ELECTION. Town Management

2016 Municipal Election Information (updated)

The Town of Fenwick Island will hold an election on Saturday, August 6, 2016 from 1 pm to 5 pm at Town Hall.  Below are a list of deadlines: 1. Notice of Solicitation of Candidates was posted May 9 at Town Hall 2. The Candidate Filing deadline was June 22 at 430 pm (six candidates were recommended […]

Comprehensive Plan (recertification)

The Comprehensive Plan public workshops will be held on Saturday, July 16 and Saturday August 13 at Town Hall.  Public workshop agendas will be posted 7 days in advance with the time (will commence in the morning). AECOM is the planning consultant and will lead the workshops. To summarize, the Planning Commission has scheduled two public […]

Town of Fenwick Island Social Media

The Town of Fenwick Island uses the newly designed website and Social Media (Twitter and Facebook) to inform the community about news, weather, programs and public meetings.  Be sure to check out the Town LED sign for Committee information, etc. For more detailed information, please call Town Hall at 302-539-3011 from 8 am to 430 pm. Have […]