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Fenwick Island


The Budget Committee diligently crafts the Town Budget, which is then given the stamp of approval by the Town Council. Our financial blueprint aims to guide and support town departments in making strategic decisions regarding resource allocation, program assessments, financial stewardship, and long-term planning.

The Town Manager, supported by the Finance Manager, meticulously drafts the budget for review and approval by both the Budget Committee and the Council. To ensure timely implementation, the Council must endorse the budget no later than the July meeting, with it coming into effect on August 1.

FY 2024-2025 BUDGET

FY2023-2024 BUDGET

FY2022-2023 BUDGET

FY 2021-2022 BUDGET

FY 2020-2021 BUDGET

An audit of the town’s financial statements is performed annually by an independent public accounting firm.  The results of the audit and complete financial statements are presented to and reviewed by the Town Council.  The audited annual financial statements can be found below

2023 Audit

2022 Audit

2021 Audit

2020 Audit

2019 Audit