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Fenwick Island


If you are a new resident or property owner, please feel free to stop into Town Hall to say hello and pick up your welcome packet filled with helpful information about the Town. Below you can find some of the information included in the packets.

Greetings From Town Council

Chief of Police Welcome Letter

Information Guide

Beach Rules Brochure 

Parking Guide

Renters Guide

Voter & Municipal Election Information

House Registry Form

Declaration of Property Status

2023-2024 Committee Application

2024 Trash Recycling Yard Waste Calendar

Parking Fees

Spring23.FISH Newsletter

Fenwick Island Yacht Club 2024 Flyer

NFIP Brochure

Town Code specifies the manner in which trash should be handled.

It has been our experience that many residents will take this opportunity to clean garages and yards, while others will gather the attic treasures that have accumulated over the years and are now expendable. (This is not for yard waste pickup)

Waste Collection Services

View information on where, when, and how to vote in upcoming elections.

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If you plan to rent your home in the Town of Fenwick Island, you are required to apply for a rental license each calendar year.  The Town assesses a 8% rental tax, payable twice a year.

Parking permits are required for all streets within the corporate limits of The Town of Fenwick Island from May 15 though September 15.

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The Town of Fenwick Island is served by professional utility companies:

Electric – Delmarva Power
***Delmarva Power asks that you Call 8-1-1 before you dig for any project you are completing to have underground lines marked for FREE. Once marked, you can complete your project with less risk of injury, disruption of service or large fines and repair costs (811_factsheet).

TV and InternetComcast

Water – Artesian Water

SewerSussex County

Village Volunteers is a nonprofit organization the enables older adults to remain safe and independent in their homes.

 The Village to Village program has been successful in other communities on the Delmarva Peninsula like Bethany Beach, Ocean View, and Lewes as well as communities all over the US and England. Because of the interest expressed by some Fenwick residents, we are sending this survey to the Fenwick Community.

These results will be sent to an independent exploratory committee unaffiliated with Council or other Town officials. Please note that the Village program is a separate and independent entity. While the Town Council is not officially endorsing this program, Town officials thought it would be helpful to share this information with those who might be interested.

Any additional questions should be directed to info@villagevolunteer.org. 
