Fenwick Island

Resiliency & Flood Information

It is the Town’s intent to:

  • Promote greater public awareness and understanding of the flood threat in Fenwick Island
  • Offer practical guidance on preparing for, mitigating against, and recovering from flood events
  • Provide information on important federal, state and local loss reduction programs, services and initiatives
  • Answer commonly asked questions regarding flood insurance, flood zones, warning systems, evacuation and other flood related topics
  • List key contacts and links where flood information and assistance can be found below.

The Infrastructure Committee hosted a Flooding & Resiliency Information & Discussion Session on August 31, 2023. Links to the documents are provided below.

Infrastructure Meeting Handout

Comprehensive Plan Chapter 7 2023

Resiliency Session Presentation

Delaware Inundation Mapping Tool

Delaware Sea-Level Rise Inundation Mapping Methodology

Flood Factor- Go to this website to determine what your “Flood Factor” is by inputting your address

Previous Town Resiliency Efforts

AECOM Resiliency Plan 2023

AECOM Resiliency Plan Presentation

AECOM Summary & Maps

AECOM Vulnerability Study 2015

Community Sustainability Plan 2019

Sea Level Rise and Climate Change:

Town of Fenwick Island: Preparing for Sea Level Rise
Compared to the global average Delaware has a greater rate in Sea Level Rise (SLR). The main reason for this is the vertical movement of the Earth’s crust which is causing Delaware to slowly sink. This is a similar trend seen throughout the Mid-Atlantic. Currently, beach and dune replenishment have been the main method for protection coastal communities in Delaware.

The National Flood Insurance Program’s (NFIP) Community Rating System (CRS) is a voluntary incentive program that recognizes and encourages community floodplain management activities that exceed the minimum NFIP requirements.

As a participant in the Community Rating System, the Town of Fenwick Island supports community actions that help reduce flood risks and meet the goals of the CRS to reduce flood losses, facilitate insurance ratings and promote awareness of flood insurance. Such activities have resulted in the Town obtaining a Class 9 CRS Rating which entitles qualifying property owners to a 5% discount on their flood insurance premium. Contact Mike Locke, Building Official, for more information.

As part of our Community Rating System’s Outreach Project and, as you are located in an area subject to repetitive loss, there are preventive measures you as a homeowner may take to prevent further flood loss to your property.

Flood Insurance Press Release



Floodplain Management Resources


Storm Information Links: